0:02 - 0:03
0:04 - 0:06
0:06 - 0:08
0:08 - 0:10
0:11 - 0:14
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony.
0:15 - 0:18
Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
0:19 - 0:22
Only the Avatar, master of all four elements,
0:22 - 0:23
could stop them.
0:23 - 0:26
But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
0:27 - 0:29
A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered
0:29 - 0:32
the new Avatar, an Airbender named Aang.
0:32 - 0:35
And although his airbending skills are great,
0:35 - 0:37
he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone.
0:37 - 0:38
0:39 - 0:41
But I believe Aang can save the world.
0:57 - 0:59
So, what kind of trouble is Katara in?
1:00 - 1:01
I don't know.
1:01 - 1:03
In my vision, I just knew she needed help.
1:03 - 1:04
It would be nice if your Avatar powers
1:05 - 1:07
could be just a little more specific from time to time.
1:07 - 1:09
What is that?
1:15 - 1:16
Need a ride?
1:17 - 1:18
1:19 - 1:22
The Earth King and The Council of Five
1:22 - 1:23
do not trust the Dai Li.
1:23 - 1:26
They imprisoned your leader, Long Feng.
1:26 - 1:29
Soon they will turn on all of you and eliminate you.
1:29 - 1:33
Seizing power today is a matter of life and death.
1:33 - 1:36
This coup must be swift and decisive.
1:36 - 1:38
The Earth King, and each of the five generals,
1:38 - 1:40
must be taken out, simultaneously.
1:40 - 1:42
Long Feng has placed you in my command
1:43 - 1:44
while we overthrow the government.
1:45 - 1:49
If I sense any disloyalty, any hesitation,
1:49 - 1:50
any weakness at all,
1:51 - 1:52
I will snuff it out.
1:55 - 1:57
That is all.
1:59 - 2:01
Nice speech, Azula.
2:01 - 2:04
It was pretty and poetic, but also scary in a good way.
2:04 - 2:07
Yeah, I thought you were gonna make that one guy pee his pants.
2:07 - 2:09
There are still a few loose ends―
2:09 - 2:12
The Avatar, and my brother and uncle.
2:13 - 2:15
Many times, I imagined myself here―
2:15 - 2:18
At the threshold of the palace.
2:18 - 2:21
But I always thought I would be here as a conqueror.
2:21 - 2:25
Instead, we are the Earth King's personal guests,
2:25 - 2:27
here to serve him tea.
2:28 - 2:30
Destiny is a funny thing.
2:30 - 2:31
It sure is, Uncle.
2:33 - 2:34
So, how did it go with the Guru?
2:35 - 2:36
Did you master the Avatar State?
2:36 - 2:37
2:38 - 2:39
If you leave now,
2:39 - 2:42
you won't be able to go into the Avatar State at all!
2:42 - 2:43
Aang, are you okay?
2:43 - 2:45
I'm great.
2:45 - 2:46
It went great with the Guru.
2:46 - 2:48
I completely mastered the Avatar State.
2:50 - 2:51
2:59 - 3:00
What's taking so long?
3:01 - 3:03
Maybe the Earth King overslept.
3:07 - 3:09
Something's not right.
3:11 - 3:13
It's tea time.
3:13 - 3:14
3:14 - 3:16
Have you met the Dai Li?
3:16 - 3:17
They're Earthbenders,
3:17 - 3:21
but they have a killer instinct that's so Firebender.
3:21 - 3:22
I just love it.
3:23 - 3:26
Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname
3:26 - 3:28
the "Dragon of the West"?
3:28 - 3:31
I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle.
3:31 - 3:33
It's more of a demonstration, really.
3:56 - 3:57
Come on!
3:57 - 3:59
You'll be fine!
3:59 - 4:01
No. I'm tired of running.
4:01 - 4:03
It's time I faced Azula.
4:07 - 4:09
You're so dramatic.
4:09 - 4:12
What? Are you going to challenge me to an Agni Kai?
4:13 - 4:15
Yes! I challenge you!
4:15 - 4:16
No, thanks.
4:23 - 4:24
4:32 - 4:33
Katara's fine.
4:33 - 4:35
You have nothing to worry about.
4:35 - 4:37
But, in my vision...
4:37 - 4:39
I felt so sure that she was in trouble.
4:39 - 4:42
Well, she met with the Council of Generals to plan the invasion.
4:42 - 4:45
And since then she's been off with your friends,
4:45 - 4:46
the Kyoshi Warriors.
4:46 - 4:47
See Aang? She's with Suki.
4:47 - 4:50
They're probably back at our apartment right now,
4:50 - 4:52
talking about makeup or something.
4:52 - 4:53
Okay, maybe you're right.
4:53 - 4:56
Believe me, if there was any danger at all,
4:56 - 4:59
Bosco's animal instincts would sense it.
5:08 - 5:10
You've got company.
5:10 - 5:12
5:13 - 5:14
5:27 - 5:28
5:32 - 5:34
There's no one else here.
5:34 - 5:36
Katara is in trouble. I knew it.
5:36 - 5:37
Oh, no.
5:37 - 5:40
Wait, someone's at the door.
5:41 - 5:43
Actually, I know who it is.
5:44 - 5:45
It's an old friend of mine.
5:45 - 5:47
Glad to see you're okay.
5:47 - 5:48
I need your help.
5:57 - 5:58
You guys know each other?
5:58 - 6:01
I met him in the woods once and knocked him down.
6:01 - 6:03
Then he gave me tea and some very good advice.
6:03 - 6:05
May I come in?
6:08 - 6:11
Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se.
6:11 - 6:13
She must have Katara.
6:13 - 6:15
She has captured my nephew, as well.
6:15 - 6:17
Then we'll work together to fight Azula,
6:17 - 6:19
and save Katara and Zuko.
6:19 - 6:22
Whoa, there. You lost me at, "Zuko".
6:22 - 6:25
I know how you must feel about my nephew.
6:25 - 6:28
But believe me when I tell you there is good inside him.
6:29 - 6:31
Good inside him isn't enough.
6:31 - 6:33
Why don't you come back when it's outside him, too, okay?
6:34 - 6:35
Katara's in trouble.
6:35 - 6:37
All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble.
6:38 - 6:40
Working together is our best chance.
6:40 - 6:41
6:42 - 6:45
I brought someone along who might be able to help us.
6:54 - 6:56
Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup.
6:56 - 6:58
They're going to overthrow the Earth King.
6:59 - 7:00
My sister!
7:00 - 7:01
Where are they keeping Katara?
7:01 - 7:04
In the crystal catacombs of old Ba Sing Se,
7:04 - 7:05
deep beneath the palace.
7:07 - 7:10
The movements of all the generals and the Earth King
7:10 - 7:12
have been plotted out step-by-step.
7:12 - 7:13
7:13 - 7:16
And the Fire Nation Princess is cooperating?
7:16 - 7:18
Oh, yes, more than cooperating―
7:18 - 7:20
She's really taken charge.
7:20 - 7:24
She's terrifying and inspirational at the same time.
7:24 - 7:26
It's hard to explain.
7:31 - 7:33
Why did they throw you in here?
7:34 - 7:37
Oh, wait. Let me guess― It's a trap, so that when Aang shows up to help me,
7:37 - 7:40
you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches.
7:43 - 7:46
You're a terrible person, you know that?
7:46 - 7:48
Always following us, hunting the Avatar,
7:48 - 7:50
trying to capture the world's last hope for peace!
7:51 - 7:52
But what do you care?
7:53 - 7:54
You're the Fire Lord's son.
7:54 - 7:57
Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood.
7:58 - 8:00
You don't know what you're talking about. I don't?
8:00 - 8:02
How dare you!
8:02 - 8:05
You have no idea what this war has put me through.
8:05 - 8:07
Me, personally.
8:07 - 8:09
The Fire Nation took my mother away from me.
8:12 - 8:13
I'm sorry.
8:15 - 8:18
That's something we have in common.
8:21 - 8:22
Well, what do ya know?
8:22 - 8:25
There is an ancient city down there, but it's deep.
8:29 - 8:30
We should split up.
8:30 - 8:33
Aang, you go with Iroh to look for Katara
8:33 - 8:34
and the angry jerk, no offense.
8:34 - 8:35
None taken.
8:35 - 8:38
And I'll go with Toph to warn the Earth King about Azula's coup.
8:48 - 8:50
So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice―
8:51 - 8:52
And great tea.
8:52 - 8:54
The key to both is proper aging.
8:55 - 8:56
What's on your mind?
8:59 - 9:02
Well, I met with this Guru who was supposed to help me
9:02 - 9:06
master the Avatar State, and control this great power.
9:06 - 9:09
But to do it, I had to let go of someone I love,
9:10 - 9:11
and I just couldn't.
9:11 - 9:14
Perfection and power are overrated.
9:15 - 9:18
I think you were very wise to choose happiness and love.
9:21 - 9:23
What happens if we can't save everyone and beat Azula?
9:23 - 9:27
Without the Avatar State, what if I'm not powerful enough?
9:27 - 9:29
I don't know the answer.
9:29 - 9:33
Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel.
9:33 - 9:37
You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel,
9:37 - 9:40
but if you just keep moving...
9:43 - 9:46
...you will come to a better place.
9:53 - 9:55
There's General How.
10:08 - 10:09
What's going on here?
10:09 - 10:11
You're under house arrest.
10:11 - 10:13
The coup is happening right now.
10:13 - 10:15
We've gotta warn the Earth King.
10:35 - 10:37
Thank goodness we're in time!
10:37 - 10:38
In time for what?
10:39 - 10:41
Yeah, what are you in time for...
10:42 - 10:44
10:44 - 10:47
Uh, I'm kinda involved with Suki.
10:47 - 10:49
10:51 - 10:53
They're not the real Kyoshi Warriors!
10:54 - 10:56
Sorry to disappoint you.
11:07 - 11:09
Ooh, it's like we're dancing together.
11:10 - 11:12
This fight is over.
11:22 - 11:24
Get them all out of my sight.
11:37 - 11:40
Now comes the part where I double-cross you.
11:40 - 11:43
Dai Li, arrest the Fire Nation Princess.
11:45 - 11:47
I said, arrest her.
11:49 - 11:50
What is wrong with you?
11:50 - 11:52
It's because they haven't made up their minds.
11:52 - 11:55
They're waiting to see how this is going to end.
11:55 - 11:56
What are you talking about?
11:56 - 11:59
I can see your whole history in your eyes.
11:59 - 12:02
You were born with nothing, so you've had to struggle
12:02 - 12:05
and connive and claw your way to power.
12:05 - 12:09
But true power, the divine right to rule,
12:09 - 12:10
is something you're born with.
12:11 - 12:13
The fact is, they don't know which one of us
12:13 - 12:15
is going to be sitting on that throne
12:15 - 12:18
and which one is going to be bowing down.
12:18 - 12:20
But I know and you know.
12:22 - 12:23
12:30 - 12:33
You've beaten me at my own game.
12:33 - 12:35
Don't flatter yourself.
12:35 - 12:36
You were never even a player.
12:39 - 12:41
I'm sorry I yelled at you before.
12:41 - 12:42
It doesn't matter.
12:42 - 12:44
It's just that for so long now,
12:44 - 12:46
whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy,
12:47 - 12:48
it was your face.
12:48 - 12:49
My face.
12:50 - 12:51
I see.
12:51 - 12:53
No, no, that's not what I meant.
12:53 - 12:54
It's okay.
12:54 - 12:56
I used to think this scar marked me.
12:56 - 12:58
The mark of the banished prince,
12:58 - 13:00
cursed to chase the Avatar forever.
13:01 - 13:04
But lately, I've realized I'm free to determine
13:04 - 13:08
my own destiny, even if I'll never be free of my mark.
13:08 - 13:10
Maybe you could be free of it.
13:10 - 13:13
What? I have healing abilities.
13:13 - 13:15
It's a scar. It can't be healed.
13:17 - 13:20
This is water from the Spirit Oasis at the North Pole.
13:20 - 13:22
It has special properties,
13:22 - 13:25
so I've been saving it for something important.
13:25 - 13:27
I don't know if it would work, but...
13:37 - 13:39
13:53 - 13:55
Aang, I knew you would come.
13:55 - 13:57
Uncle, I don't understand.
13:57 - 13:59
What are you doing with the Avatar?
13:59 - 14:00
Saving you. That's what.
14:00 - 14:03
Zuko, it's time we talked.
14:04 - 14:07
Go help your other friends. We'll catch up with you.
14:15 - 14:17
Why, Uncle?
14:17 - 14:19
You are not the man you used to be, Zuko.
14:19 - 14:22
You are stronger and wiser
14:22 - 14:24
and freer than you have ever been.
14:24 - 14:28
And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny.
14:28 - 14:30
It's time for you to choose.
14:30 - 14:33
It's time for you to choose good.
14:38 - 14:40
I expected this kind of treachery from Uncle,
14:40 - 14:45
but Zuko, Prince Zuko, you're a lot of things,
14:45 - 14:47
but you're not a traitor, are you?
14:47 - 14:49
Release him, immediately!
14:49 - 14:51
It's not too late for you, Zuko.
14:51 - 14:53
You can still redeem yourself.
14:53 - 14:56
The kind of redemption she offers is not for you.
14:57 - 15:00
Why don't you let him decide, Uncle?
15:00 - 15:01
I need you, Zuko.
15:01 - 15:04
I've plotted every move of this day,
15:04 - 15:06
this glorious day in Fire Nation history,
15:07 - 15:09
and the only way we win is together.
15:09 - 15:13
At the end of this day, you will have your honor back.
15:13 - 15:15
You will have Father's love.
15:15 - 15:17
You will have everything you want.
15:17 - 15:20
Zuko, I am begging you,
15:21 - 15:25
look into your heart and see what it is that you truly want.
15:26 - 15:27
You are free to choose.
15:40 - 15:42
We've gotta find Sokka and Toph.
16:38 - 16:40
See any Dai Li agents nearby?
16:40 - 16:42
Nope. All clear.
16:48 - 16:49
Let's go!
16:49 - 16:50
I'm not leaving without Bosco!
18:13 - 18:14
I thought you had changed!
18:18 - 18:19
I have changed.
18:46 - 18:47
Come on, it's easy.
18:48 - 18:51
You just walk on your front paws instead of your rear ones,
18:51 - 18:52
like this...
18:56 - 18:58
That is a nice trick.
19:00 - 19:01
Just take the bear.
19:02 - 19:04
19:58 - 20:01
There's too many.
20:01 - 20:04
The only way is to let her go.
20:05 - 20:06
I'm sorry, Katara.
21:21 - 21:23
You've got to get out of here!
21:23 - 21:25
I'll hold them off as long as I can!
22:08 - 22:09
22:24 - 22:26
We've done it, Zuko.
22:26 - 22:27
It's taken a hundred years,
22:27 - 22:30
but the Fire Nation has conquered Ba Sing Se.
22:30 - 22:32
I betrayed Uncle.
22:32 - 22:35
No, he betrayed you.
22:36 - 22:38
Zuko, when you return home,
22:38 - 22:40
Father will welcome you as a war hero.
22:41 - 22:42
But I don't have the Avatar.
22:43 - 22:45
What if Father doesn't restore my honor?
22:45 - 22:48
He doesn't need to, Zuko.
22:48 - 22:51
Today, you restored your own honor.
22:59 - 23:02
The Earth Kingdom...
23:02 - 23:04
Has fallen.